Best Second Chance Loans For Bad Credit

Personal Loans

Debt can be a vicious cycle, especially if you have bad credit. An unexpected emergency arises and you take on a high-interest personal loan because you simply have no other options. Because of that high interest and your financial difficulty, six months later you end up owing more than you originally borrowed. And the process repeats itself; meanwhile, you find yourself increasingly in debt.

If this sounds like you, the reality is that many lenders will not be willing to consider your loan application. But this isn’t always the case. Even if your credit history isn’t perfect, there are still lenders out there willing to offer you a second chance loan.

Best Second-Chance Installment Loans

Oftentimes, those who don’t have the best credit score end up stuck with payday loans. These loans not only have higher interest rates but also require borrowers to repay them on or before their next payday (hence the name).

Installment loans are different. As their name also suggests, you repay the loan in monthly installments. The payments are often lower than lump-sum payday loans, and the interest rates are much lower as well.

Although installment loans are usually better than the alternative, some loan offers may not be the best. If you have a 60-month loan (5 years) and are being charged interest for 60 months, that can really add up.

To add to their benefits, making payments on time every month will improve your credit scores, meaning future loans will have more favorable terms for you.

LetMeBank’s rating
Apply Now
  • Loan Amount
    $500 – $10,000
  • Loan Term
    3 – 60 months
  • APR
    5.99% – 35.99%

Features & Benefits

  • No cost to check loan approval
  • High approval rate despite credit history
  • Funds available as soon as next business day
  • Assisting people with bad credit since 1998

Bad Credit Loans is an online lender marketplace that allows you to connect with multiple lenders by filling out a single application. The service is 100% free.

Once you’re approved, your lender will provide you with the APR, loan fees, and other terms.

Read through the terms, compare all the offers you’ve received, and only accept the loan you’re most comfortable with. You are not obligated to accept the personal loan from any lenders that you are matched with.

LetMeBank’s rating
Apply Now
  • Loan Amount
    $1,000 – $35,000
  • Loan Term
    3 to 72 months
  • APR

Features & Benefits

  • Multiple loan types available
  • Fast loan decision
  • Funds deposited as soon as you accept an offer
  • Nationwide availability

You can get a loan through with credit scores as low as 600. Each lender in their network offers its own unique interest rates.

The quick and easy online application only takes minutes. You’ll have a decision within a business day of submission.


LetMeBank’s rating
Apply Now
  • Loan Amount
    Up to $10,000
  • Loan Term
    3 – 72 months
  • APR
    5.99% – 35.9%

Features & Benefits

  • Flexible borrower requirements
  • Loan request can be approved within minutes
  • Money deposited as early as 1 business day
  • All credit types accepted

CashUSA connects borrowers with lenders. Each application is sent to the lender most likely to lend to the borrower. This platform caters to a diverse range of credit profiles, making it more than just a broker for those with poor credit.

Interest rates vary depending on the lender, so make sure you read through the terms for each emergency loan before you choose. Applying online only takes a few minutes, and funds are often available the next day.

Best Second-Chance Short-Term Loans

Another option for second chance loans are short-term loans. Technically, these loans are intended for different purposes than installment loans. An installment loan is usually meant for larger expenses. A short-term loan is meant for smaller expenses. They might be as low as $100 to help you pay for a medical bill. On the high end, these loans could grant you as much as $2,500.

Because they are intended for one-time expenses, you are expected to pay them off in a single payment. Interest rates on these bad credit loans tend to be high, but that also means those with low credit scores will have an easier time attaining approval.

The interest charged on them may seem small because the loan principal is usually small. But they also usually have just a two-week repayment period (since they correspond with your paycheck). If you had $25 of interest on a $200 loan that must be repaid in two weeks, the annual APR would be over 300%.


LetMeBank’s rating
Apply Now
  • Loan Amount
    Up to $5,000
  • Loan Term
  • APR

Features & Benefits

  • Application takes less than 5 minutes
  • Get a decision on your loan within minutes
  • Funds are available within 24 hours
  • Trusted by more than 2,000,000 borrowers

MoneyMutual is an online marketplace of lenders. They make it quick and easy to find a short-term cash advance loan in as little as 24 hours.

One application can potentially get you multiple loan offers. MoneyMutual has been trusted by more than two million customers. They serve borrowers with bad credit from all 50 states except New York and Connecticut.

LetMeBank’s rating
Apply Now
  • Loan Amount
    $200 to $10,000
  • Loan Term
    7 days to 12 months
  • APR

Features & Benefits

  • Response by email or phone within minutes of submitting request
  • Money deposited as soon as the next business day
  • High approval rate even with bad credit
  • Trusted since 1997 provides a free service that quickly connects customers with lenders that offer short-term loans that may work for them.

Whether you have an emergency or an unexpected expense, this online lender may be able to help you out quickly.

Best Second-Chance Auto Loans

In addition to personal loans, it may also be possible to attain second-chance financing for a car. In many ways, lenders may be more willing to offer such financing. Thus far, we have mostly talked about unsecured loans, which can be difficult for a lender to recoup in the event you stop making monthly payments.

An auto loan, on the other hand, is a secured loan. To be precise, the car itself secures the loan. That means that if you become delinquent on your payments, the lender can opt to repossess the vehicle. While one would hope such a thing never happens, it does make lenders more willing to lend to those with bad credit. Having this option means the lender will be more able to recoup their funds in such a situation.

From your perspective, not only will that make approval easier, but it may lower your interest rate as well. Interest rates are entirely based on perceived risk, and the possibility of repossession makes that risk lower.

A Second Chance at Financing Is Possible

If you have ever found yourself in a financial pickle after taking on financing, you might think no lender would ever consider you again. Fortunately, that isn’t always the case. There are lenders out there that understand that things happen. Sometimes things don’t go according to plan, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be given another chance.

Of course, if you are looking for a second-chance loan, your interest rate will probably be a bit high. You also may not be approved for a very large loan. But you can flip the script by making your payments on-time and in full.

You Deserve a Second Chance (at Financing)

Although some of us may like to think we can never make mistakes, the reality is that they do happen sometimes. Sometimes those lives can affect our relationships, our mental health, and yes – our finances.

The good news is that even if you find your finances are suffering as a result of some missteps, chances are that all hope is not lost. There are many lenders out there willing to finance personal loans and auto loans, as a second chance.

Because, as they say, we all deserve a second chance.